2021 College-wide PCMH Program Steering Committee Retreat will convene online Friday, May 7, 2021.

About the 2021 Retreat


Join us for this virtual meeting, titled Building Primary Care Workforce Capacity: Evidence-Based Training and Clinical Transformation. We will highlight the successes of the CWPCMH medical education transformation at Meharry Medical College. This will include describing curricula changes in medical and dental education using the PCMH model of training. Additionally, we will underscore the significance of the approval of the NCQA recognition of the primary care clinics as patient-centered clinical services. We will also summarize the impact of patient-centeredness in dental/oral health and the movement toward a dental home concept in the state of Tennessee.

Objectives of the College-wide PCMH Grant

  • Develop and establish a PCMH Steering Committee in Years 1-5 to design and implement a comprehensive PCMH training program for 420 medical students, 200 dental students and 72 residents (18 family medicine/45 medicine/9 general practice).
  • Design and integrate 5 components of the PCMH into existing curriculum in Years 1-2
  • Implement the PCMH module in the medical and dental schools training in Years 3-5 for 420 medical students, 200 dental students and 72 residents (18 family medicine and 45 medicine and 9 general practice residents).

Objectives of the 2021 College-wide PCMH Retreat

To demonstrate successes of CWPCMH Project, the sessions are to:

  • Display medical and dental curriculum transformation for student and resident inter-professionalism.
  • Share the lived experiences of various healthcare providers in their effective use of patient access and care coordination.
  • Communicate the effective use of the electronic medical record to produce clinical decision-making dashboards.
  • Demonstrate the effective use of quality improvement and rapid cycle training with students and residents.
  • Engage in a discussion on the social determinants of health and their relationship to patient-centeredness.
  • Utilization of an interprofessional strategy to implement the transformation of curricula and clinical practice.

2021 Program Book

Register to Attend

Registration Deadline: Friday, May 7, 2021